The Blood Cup !

I realise this isn't really a miniature because its nine inches tall. I call it "The Blood Cup" I made it for a friends Game store for the grand prize for his stores Warhammer Fantasy Battle Campaingn down in Lexington Ky. It goes to the player with the highest total score of Games won, sportsmanship and painting. It's made from White Oak, Cocobolo, Brass, a skull replica and red pigmented resin. Let me know what you think?

Posted: 1 Nov 2002

7.3 /10 (192 Votes) 4.8k Views

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very cool cup, reminds me of some of the one bull dog buckle makes for GW they have some cool chalice type cups, since we all cant have the killer one below :)
3 Nov 2002 • Vote: 9
Being a woodworker myself, I know what it takes to get that smooth of a finish on oak and cocobolo. The brass accents really make it stand out. If I may ask, which company did you get the skull from? Dynamite piece. :D
3 Nov 2002 • Vote: 9
"Dying of thirst!!!!" Cool. I need that for my coffee cup in the office!
1 Nov 2002 • Vote: 9

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