Rural, medieval church with monk and straying cat

A rural, medieval church, my wife and I built half a year ago. She constructed the church itself, painted monk and cat; I made the showcase, the terrain and installed the electronic lighting which shall simulate the light of candles and torches. Construction material: - Church walls: Hirst Arts Castlemolds, plaster - Church roof and doors: Hirst Arts Castlemolds, ceramic synthetic moulding compound (thin, fragile parts) - Windows: window colours on overhead transparencies - Monk and cat: 30mm minis - Tree and bushes: already finished, standard modelling accessories - Ground: glass sand, coloured, as base; real earth granules on top; modelling grass - Electronic lighting: 6 small lamps (3V), cables and 9V battery - Showcase: standard square-cut wood from the hardware store; glass thickness: 3mm We hope, you enjoy it. As usual, comments are welcome :)

Posted: 4 Dec 2006

7.4 /10 (60 Votes) 1.3k Views

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Awsome, i like this alot. Looks real.
4 Jan 2007
Gilvan Blight
Wow, I thought this was one of those Department whatever houses that people put out at Xmas. Great job!
4 Dec 2006 • Vote: 9
Very nice! I really like the different colours used for the stones of the church, looks realistic and interesting. The red roof sets things off nicely. The monk opening the door adds a touch of life and helps make it more of a scene. The tree isn't quite as nice as the building, but that's a minor point. Cool display, too.
4 Dec 2006 • Vote: 8

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