Sgt Schlock - Version 2.0
Ominous Hummmmmmmmmmmm............... I'd been reading Schlock Mercenary for a while when I decided to sculpt the first one back in March of 2004. I never really was totally happy with the first sculpt, but for a first attempt I felt it wasnt that bad. Fast Forward 2 or so years - I had been thinking about redoing the Sgt to begin with, when Howard Taylor offered a few pointers on his brainchild, and I finished that big minotaur from Reaper, I figured that I would go ahead and resculpt him. And you are looking at the results of two nights work - and 4 small packs of sculpy (although, I would put his size at 80-100mm tall and he nearly didn't fit in my toaster oven for firing).
Posted: 16 Dec 2006
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