Elise The Witch

Okay, don't be too harsh as this is literally the fourth mini I've ever painted. I haven't even made it to the point where I can think about bases. I was trying to go for a highlight scheme where it appeared that Elise got caught at the Halloween party doing something obscene and had her picture taken. Thus, its supposed to look like a camera flash. I don't think the boots look quite right, as they are supposed to be shiny and show a very sharp highlight. I probably should have done more levels and layers on the clothes.

Posted: 16 Dec 2006

4.4 /10 (65 Votes) 1.3k Views

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1 comment

For a fourth mini ever painted this is really good. Photo is too blury, to be sure about anything, but painting looks precise, but paint is too thick... Try reading more articles, doing a little better job on highligh and details... However, veeery nice job for a fourth mini...
17 Dec 2006 • Vote: 5

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