Small Swamp Monster

What in the world is this thing!? I don't know myself, because I was just playing around with Great Stuff, a household expanding foam insulator, and wound up with this and another larger version not shown. Since it is pulled directly from the nether regions of my imagination, don't expect a lot of logic, such as the lack of eyes. The foam is the blob on the back, and was horrible to paint. Even after a coat of white primer, the paint did NOT coat. Instead, it puddled. So, go with that, just kept painting different shades and coats until I got the cover I wanted. The head and tentacles are GS. Everything was then washed with a brown magic wash. The base itself is 2in (5cm) in diameter and total height is about the same. I purposely did not give it a matte coat, since it seems to be rising from the waters and would therefore need to be shiny and slick.

Posted: 15 Apr 2007

5.6 /10 (59 Votes) 1.0k Views

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I actually really like this guy and think he is underrated. I like your imagination sir.
4 Oct 2012 • Vote: 7
Man that's really cool. I love scratchbuilds.
16 Apr 2007
it looks like a swamp bunny monster with no front teeth. guess he;ll have to gum his carrots and rotting flesh ppl. good job.
16 Apr 2007 • Vote: 6

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