Harlequin death Jester

First cut at Atl. GD I like to call it a "Nickel Demon" winner. lol C&C appreciated! Creepy Basement Studios

Posted: 8 May 2007

7.4 /10 (55 Votes) 1.2k Views

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Thanks, dogface! Alas he has been sold away, but yes the base was just something to give him a bit of "look at ME!" for the GD judges. It musta worked, he's in this month's White Dwarf #331!
4 Aug 2007 • Vote: 10
dogfacedboy uk1
I think this is the best piece in your CMON gallery, I especially like the faded diamond pattern. I think the base is a missed opportunity. You've got a nice green paint job on the bottom part which looks cool but it does look recognisably like a lid which is a great shame as a bit more work disguising the unpainted ridges would make it look a lot better!
31 May 2007 • Vote: 7
Yes, actually the wraithbone has a grain to it to show how its veined. the pic doesn't show it up very well. I also was going for a colorful but dark scheme with this guy so he has lots of diferent colors, but all of them fade to black. That's why there's not a bright highlight. As for the base, I wanted something that rised him up from just a regular base and thought this gave him the height without overly cluttering him up. Thanks for the comments!
17 May 2007 • Vote: 10
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