Wolfen Prowler V2

Hi all ! Here's the second version I did of the Wolfen Prowler.I painted it a second time for the realisation of the tutorial DVD you can find here http://www.miniaturementor.com/ The reason was, I didn't keep the high resolution pics of the first one ( something I try to do now :o))))and we need an entire painted version of it for the pics before I painted it again a third time for the taping ( but not in totality thanks god :o))) Bad thing for a good thing, cause I really prefer this second version with 2 years of learning and improving. You can compare with the first one http://www.coolminiornot.com/108667 Sorry for the little mistake with fixation under the foot and katana, but this wolf has taken the plane to Toronto and we know now that wulfens don't like the planes and try to escape in this situation :o))) comments are really welcome of course, and sorry for my approximative english Laurent

Posted: 6 Feb 2008

9.4 /10 (107 Votes) 7.1k Views

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Damn it looks absolute freakin awesome.
22 Dec 2011 • Vote: 10
J'aime beaucoup le regard de ton Wolf. La peinture est un peu saturée à mon goût mais je pense que c'est voulu, beau travail. Bravo
26 Feb 2009 • Vote: 9
Sûr que tu te débrouilles mieux en peinture qu'en anglais, lol ;) Non je plaisante, bravo pour ton travail et merci pour ton effort lors du DVD. Je l'ai regardé attentivement et j'ai appris un ou deux trucs qui vont vraiment m'aider ! Bonne chance pour la suite !
14 Apr 2008
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