Bípode Eldar 3Dx3D

I tried to paint a three dimensional effect of the flat surfaces of a bípode Eldar, the colors chosen are in yellow, because I felt the range of color that I presented more difficulty. the result is a miniature notice that the touch is smooth, although the human eye it appears that each area has its own volume. I hope to have achieved this effect and you will like. Salve!!!

Posted: 17 Mar 2009

9.3 /10 (143 Votes) 14.4k Views

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Kudos. huge kudos in your success in achieving the 3 dimensionality you spoke of in your description. I know that's a weird thing for me to write, but man you totally nailed it! this mini is amazing!!!
4 Jun 2010
Tiene usted toda mi admiracion Maestro. Y como tal, le doy la puntuacion que merece una obra asi...
13 Sep 2009
Menudo trabajo Paul, es increíble el partido que le has sacado al bípode eldar... con esos colores y simetría has conseguido hacer babear a más de uno. Felicidades por el resultado y por terminarlo también, que no es poco!!!! Un abrazo!
29 Mar 2009
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