Guan Zhong - Ghost

Ghosts are the souls of those in torment, caught this world and the next. In this case the Guan Zhong Sorcerers steal the souls and keep them! Woooooo! Scared are ya? I painted this with a mixture of inks and acrylics from the Coat d'Arms range, mixing Blue Ink with Black Ink, adding Nightshade and then working through to Lupin Grey and white. I wanted a spooky look, dark and night-like, and apart from a lack of overall consistency, I feel I've accomplished what I set out to do :) Only one problem; I've been told now that Chinese Ghosts don't look like this so I'll probably have to do another in the correct style! Ah well. Marvellous. Time for a rest! Take care, and don't kill people. Rev

Posted: 24 Apr 2003

7.1 /10 (173 Votes) 4.1k Views

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Damn I'd forgotten how good this was.
7 Nov 2009 • Vote: 9
Kamui K
Wow. Nice piece here. Love the sculpt and blending. But yea, Chinese ghosts aren't suppost to be wright like with being all black nor all grey/white. I believe they're suppost to just look pale with white hair? Man, now I gotta get me one of these.
7 May 2003 • Vote: 7
Looks a good mini but as mentioned before it's a bit small. Like the colour scheme, it's a far cry from the GW colours and does give the figure an ethereal and night time effect.
25 Apr 2003 • Vote: 9
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