
I didn't really think Freya looked like a fighter... more like a confused Barbie doll with a huge plastic sword..... so that's what I painted her like :P

Posted: 8 May 2003

7.3 /10 (179 Votes) 4.1k Views

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I agree with prior comments. You have taken pastels and made them work on a "D&D" figure. Few could accomplish that. I especially love the face! Sooooooo real looking. Great job!
28 Sep 2003 • Vote: 8
dandare 67
Deserves more - BUT! How can the same colour be applied to so many parts and look right ? Cloak and matching boots is a womans way - but matching Eyebrows and then wrapped sword handle and horn / sycthe? Also - what magical metail swords can be truned into a swim suit... Same colour and then mixed / blened with a steel hint and I'd be happier.. So well painted!! Excellent flesh tones..
4 Aug 2003
Kamui K
I hate Barbies. But then again, who like them. The paint job is clean but the colors are just an eye sore (expecially her makeup). It's also hard to make out any highlights on the pink areas. But I have to admit, her skintone is very similiar to barbies. And her hair looks wonderful.
20 May 2003 • Vote: 1
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