CMON Contest 16 - Lich King from Mad Puppet Miniatures

this sculpt was awesome but i am a bit disappointed with my paint job, it is all in NMM. the bottom half im really happy with aswell as the shield but his arms and NMM gold armor i had to do last night, went to bed at 6am. the lighting doesnt really work on parts of the gold, i was just to tired to concentrate. same with the water effects on the base, the arms are alright but im deffinetly gonna do some touch ups in a few weeks, for now i just need a break from this mini. i hope you enjoy looking, criticism is appreciated. cheers, shakes

Posted: 26 Aug 2009

7.7 /10 (66 Votes) 3.1k Views

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The top picture displays the mini the best. I like your paintjob a lot. Great mini.
7 Sep 2009
thank you all for the comments, the red-cloak looks really overpowering in the pics which is a bit funny to me as i thought it looked to dull in RL. the top picture was taken using just a day-light bulb and i was quite happy with it, where-as the bottom pic was taken using a flash. lots of light feed-back :( i 100% agree the red is extremely overpowering. cheers, shakes
2 Sep 2009
I've really enjoyed this CMON Comp entries, great figure & this is another lovely paintjob. The top photo shows it off far better, if you can retake the bottom one so that the light reflecting off the cloak doesn't distract from the fine freehand on the shield it'd do your effort better justice. Well done :beer: B.
28 Aug 2009
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