Grey Knight Grandmaster MKII
hey CMON... here is my latest commission work, another example of my basic commission standard, with the extra freehand option... this time around i got a little better pics, and more angles to check out the details... the mini is a combination of the Marneus Calgar Termie model, a Grey Knight Termie Psycannon, the Force Staff off of the Termie Librarian, some Dark Angels bits, the Company Champion helmet, and a Halberd off a Menoth Warjack from Warmachine... i had to do a little bit of sculpting to make all the parts fit together, and to get rid of the Ultra symbols on Calgar's armor... the ammo feeds on the back were sculpted over to blend into the cloak, and the censer ropes were sculpted to wrap around the chains... it's good to get practice with the greenstuff on simple little projects like this... this was my first time painting a grey knight with the metal armor... strange to paint a Space Marine with the metal so dominant... i didn't want to go for the standard GW Studio blue tint on the armor, so i used some P3 Turquoise Ink instead... check my blog for a much more in depth write-up about the steps i went through painting this guy... hope you like him... thanks for lookin'... cheers jah
Posted: 25 May 2010