Urban Warfare II - view 1
Hiho, this is "Urban Warfare II" - here you can find version number one done several years ago: http://coolminiornot.com/207969 Loved the two infinity miniatures on first sight and knew that they gonna be together on one base for dancing into an urban war together... here is the little story behind it: Babylon did get infiltrated that day... Everywhere in the urban city underground were little struggles ahead... Those small battles you can't tell by the libra on how they will end... The truth was that there was no end in sight at all... It was known that the occupying force was running their defense from an intelligence HQ somewhere in the Sub Urbs... Lt. Rodriguez and Lt. Martinez have been asigned for this special mission... Now they are on the way to nowwhere... will they change the outcome of the battle? Will they achieve to free Babylon? It all depends on the infantery again, like always...they are close to mission objective bravo... now it is all about patience and hide'n'seek... I hope you like it. The base is completly scratchbuild, only the column is by Thomarillion and is from gypsum that is why it made it easy for me to destroy it with my fists of fury and teeth of steel. There will be some articles to this project on www.MassiveVoodoo.com soon. Check the jungle for updates if you are intrested. Feel invited to leave a comment :) Keep on happy painting! Regards Roman collector: Hon
Posted: 19 Aug 2010