Ork Warboss Roadrippa (and Da Speed Squig), NAGD Chicago 2011 Slayer Sword
After converting and scratch-building this warboss for an ork army I thought it deserved a more refined paintjob. Finally it is done and my Ork army has a Warboss! It has been a few years since I painted anything seriously, and since competitions are the best way to learn, I challenged myself at learning more about weathering and pigments. I still wanted to retain a certain comical look on the warboss so I used more saturated colors for him and his pet. I finished it in time for Chicago Golden Demons 2011 and I can't believe it was awarded the Slayer Sword next to such exquisite competition at the event. I placed a few easter eggs on the models, such as the broken brake for only hand the warboss could have used to brake, broken headlight, Waaagh button on his belt-mounted powerpack for his Powerklaw and the splattered bug in the boss' teeth (I'd like to thank my neighborhood's spiders for their generous "donation" of insect wings). I will be making a little tutorial on what I learned in weathering on this model and share it in the coming months. Hope this will inspire you to try it out for yourself!
Posted: 5 Aug 2011