EAS McClure, Earth Alliance Explorer Survey Ship (Cortez)

Earth Alliance Explorer Survey Ship from Mongoose Publishing ---- Finally managed to get this one all painted up. Probably over a year and I'm finally happy with it. I didn't want to go with the standard EAS Cortez scheme as I figured my freehand skills weren't up to the task, and going to a different scheme freed me up to do what I felt I could. ---- There's details on the side of the TV ship that were left off, which really makes the middle a blank, but that's the way it was molded. And the launch bay in the front would have been better to be hollowed out, but I just didn't feel it was worth the time to do so. ---- But there it is! Finished finally! Named after the explorer Robert McClure, and so went with a few Irish like colors. Not all of them, but some.

Posted: 26 Nov 2011

4.5 /10 (38 Votes) 1.6k Views

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1 comment

The grey body needs a little more POP on it. Still nice to see some space ships represented.
30 Nov 2011 • Vote: 5

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