When you think duel or battlecene In the future! Try thinking this point. Interaction of the models is any deliberate action directed at each model from the other (ASIDE FROM LOOKING IN EACH OTHERS DIRECTION) so think bout it there must be physical interaction in addition to looking in each others direction. All in all a great piece. Execute the same scenario again but . Same painting same colors. But this time e.g . Of things you can try 1) the idea that 10 ball, ghost bear and no such agency gave or the marine cows rind .. Fallen perhaps his rifle away from his feet and backed up into that corner.. You have to learn minor conversion skills to pull these off.. It's not that bad and were all here to get better ideas and knowledge.. I bilieve a person of your talent can execute these ideas . It's a matter of trial and error with some practice thrown in there!! All in all great piece bud!!