Wolfen Saves A Wolf From The Big Bad Hunter

This one was a LONG time in the making. Got the Wolfen figure from cfwheeler58 in August 2009 as a gracious gift in order to generate some Wolfen WIPs. I did manage to get most of it painted, but decided I wanted to put him into a diorama. Two and a half years later, this is the result. Don't really recall where I got the fighter, or the little wolf/guy/beast. Story on this: The fighter/hunter has been tracking down the little wolf, and finally has it cornered. And the Wolfen doesn't like that one bit, but is down to a single throwing knife having lost all his arrows and snapped the string on the bow in the hunt. But, everything is lining up happily... except for the hunter. Had fun with this, and glad I finally made it to the end. You can see some of the Wolfen WIP in cfwheeler58's thread, and the rest of it in my long winded multi-mini WIP thread. Just search for Pegazus's Pile of Pminiatures (and that's not a typo), and there is a link to cfwheeler58's thread in the first post (line item #2).

Posted: 14 May 2012

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