Old School Halfling

This is my entry into the friendly 4 Hour 4 Color competition on the forums! I haven't painted anything for several years so it was great to have a small mini to paint quickly in order to get back into the swing of things. The 4 paints I chose were - Reaper: Pure White Reaper: Ruddy Leather Privateer Press: Skorne Red Privateer Press: Ordic Olive The mini is from an unknown manufacture, it came in a big lot we purchased years and years ago. But old sculpt or not, I love it! To me, it's one of those quirky minis that's just too cute to pick on the sculpt quality. I did my best - put him in his garden, walking back to his home in the shire. As an aside, if anyone knows where this sculpt is actually from, please tell me. I'd love to know!

Posted: 2 Jul 2012

6 /10 (35 Votes) 986 Views

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It's like riding a bike! Great little peice, especially with your contest limitations!
4 Jul 2012 • Vote: 7
Mighty fine job for4/4 he's a funny little fella like the base a lot:)
3 Jul 2012 • Vote: 7
I like him a lot. I love the garden too, maybe a little weathering on the grass would tone it down a bit but I really like the feel of it. Welcome back to painting!
3 Jul 2012 • Vote: 7

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