Gondor Ranger

I bought the 'Captured by Gonder' box set to get a cool mini to enter into the local GW painting contest. I ended up painting this ranger as a colour test but ran out of time to paint one of the characters... and managed to miss the deadline by a few hours so even this guy didn't get in :-( It's almost as though there was a marketing angle to the whole painting contest.... LOL Still I did manage to more-or-less finish a mini in a week which is a record. Let me know what you all think of him!

Posted: 28 Oct 2003

5.7 /10 (89 Votes) 2.8k Views

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I like it! I agree with the 'picture is too big/close' bit though. Getting that close to a miniature like that blows it for details too much. A Pic farther away would give more of an illusion to his costume and features of 'realism'. I know, I pray people won't see TOO close on mine :) Good work. I scored high 'cause I KNOW what a mini looks like up close and far away. This one rocks.
4 Nov 2003 • Vote: 7
Dr. Bob
That looks really nice, but I bet it would score better with a smaller picture actually.
1 Nov 2003 • Vote: 6
Im not sure about the blending of hive cloak , looks a bit strange. I like the red and brown, very buce eyes but there is no expression on his face. Overall a vey nice figure, except for the base.
1 Nov 2003

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