Goblin Shaman

Alright so I've been thinking about getting back into painting minis for a while. Mostly stopped because I had a lot of things going on and couldn't find the time, but always had a part of me that though it was somewhat sad not to do it anymore. So when I was asked to move to Germany I though that would be the perfect place to start painting again as I didn't know anyone, don't speak the language, etc. Turns out that was not so true, life has a way of keeping you busy, and was more busy trying to figure out the right ay to get back in, right brush to buy, paints, etc. So one month and a half in, last week-end, I decided to just launch myself and see how much time I could set aside - so took the car on impulse, drove to the local Games workshop, bough a bunch of paints, brushes and a mini to celebrate the new start (Despite having a huge amount of them leftover from my painting days). One week later I have a mini painted to show for it On a side note, for the folks who where kind enough to recommend paints in the other thread, fear not I stil plan to check them out as soon as I figure a mean of payement online in this country! And never, never, buy GW brushes, those things are worst than my ten year old W&N. They split right out of the box, seriously can't use them. On the plus side, quality of the mini was really good for plastic! It's nothing special, main objective for me was to finish something, get the paint in the right places, and not worry too much about making it perfect. Sorry for the picture quality, not very macro savy and missing PS on my computer. Feedback is welcomed as always!

Posted: 20 Jul 2014

7.1 /10 (27 Votes) 799 Views

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A pleasure to see a known name from brighter and happier day (IMHO). Nice work, somewhat nostalgic in style (McVey spirit seems to haunt your mini, I'm in a gloomy state of mind it seems). The tip of the nose seemed to vanish in the upper lip, but it could be linked to the picture quality.
31 May 2015 • Vote: 9
looks good! I think the face and the top knot could do with one or two more rounds of highlighting.
20 Jul 2014 • Vote: 8

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