Veteran Sergeant Cytore

My second attempt at an =I= scale marine, the first of which appeared at UK Games Day 2001 with over a hundred other Deathwatch =I= scale marines. This helmeted veteran sergeant took a month and a half to sculpt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2002

6.2 /10 (284 Votes) 6.1k Views

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This mini is very cleanly painted. A little more something to break up the sea of blue. Also, some of us have no idea how tiny this thing really is. Maybe if you made mention of the size of the base.
4 Jul 2003
great work on this one! one question: is is the size of Artemis or more like the other =][= models? I think he would really benefit from some decoration on his armour (a chest eagle would be great, and maybe in addition a chaptersymbol on his kneepad, but I guess all those tiny fingers are a bit hard to make!!)
25 Mar 2003
oh wow great =I= mini, i didnt notice that at 1st, very nciely done, i think some slight metal highlights or sparks here and there would do him good though his helmut seems to have it.
12 Dec 2002 • Vote: 6

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