Ser Loras, Knight of Flowers

Ser Loras, the Knight of Flowers, from the House of High Garden in 54mm. I painted him for the Large Figure category at GenCon 2014 and he took 2nd place. I wanted to paint him focusing on using metallic paints on the armor. He was a challenge but a lot of fun as well. I'm very happy with the results of the armor and am glad he placed as high as he did. There is a prevailing attitude in the US painting competition scene that Non-Metallic Metal is superior or the technique that should be on competition pieces. This is an attitude I disagree with and wanted to provide an example of TMM on an award winning piece. I'm glad the judges liked him.

Posted: 9 Sep 2014

8.2 /10 (56 Votes) 2.6k Views

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Not mentioned so far but the cloak is awesome :)
23 Sep 2014 • Vote: 8
BloodFather of Kharnath
If you don't mind, PM me on how you did the stone step like objects on the base.
10 Sep 2014 • Vote: 10
BloodFather of Kharnath
First, the TMM green is outstanding. Good highlights on it especially. Like the cast, hate the character :) Good job of capturing a haughty expression on his feminine face. You deserved the award!!
10 Sep 2014 • Vote: 10
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