Tzarina Katarin, Ice Queen of Kislev on Troika sled.

Part of my Kislev army. The model was converted using bits from the original metal Tzarina model (crown, sceptre, sword) added to a Vampiress from the Coven Throne. The troika/sled was made from bits from the coven throne, with all the "boney bits" carved away and made to look like wood. The icy structures on the side were made from clear plastic built up with lots of layers of water effect!

Posted: 13 Mar 2015

6.9 /10 (46 Votes) 4.1k Views

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BloodFather of Kharnath
Thats cold, Maenas...Why does the competition imply a lower score? I understand that you have to penalize participants that do not comply with the competition standards, but your score is going to stick with him. You could still give him a 7-8 without worrying that he will win. (Comment not just aimed at you Maenas, but everyone that dinged him).
4 Oct 2016 • Vote: 7
I wanted to redeem myself now that the contest is over (some months passed in between) and vote for what I think it really deserves xD
7 Jul 2015 • Vote: 7
It's well done, but extremely inappropriate for the contest. Thus, it gets a very low rating. It would deserve higher if you didn't put it in the contest.
29 Mar 2015 • Vote: 4
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