Eldritch Demon

Slowly I turned the door knob, my hand slick with cold sweat upon the old brass. The door knob felt warm, hot even, compared to the cold bulk of my uncle's ancient revolver. The revolver that now sits besides the blotter as I pen this letter. I had not been to my uncle's mansion since I was a child. I remember those days were happy, and filled with light. The light had gone from that place many years ago and so too had the happiness. My uncle dead by his own hand three years before, and then the murders in the village. Gruesome and inexplicable, yet some how familiar in their pattern. I had traveled here to see if i could find some clue, some key to lock the door on whatever evil had taken up residence in this old place. I had a seen a light coming from the study and heard a movement as I opened front door. Slowly I opened door. I do not know what I expected, but what I saw was a terror. A vision of some alien hell. A thing, a creature maybe, so wrong, so obscene... I ran for my life and came here. That was 6 months ago. I do not know if what I saw was some creature from beyond the stars or a spot of black horror lodged in my psyche. So I write this letter, I have no family left, but perhaps someone will find it and it will help them find their peace... Reaper Bones, Baby! Super fun to paint. Just black white and sepia ink. The monochrome paint job was very challenging, you don't realize how much you rely on color until you don't have any. It was fun to photograph though, did some dramatic lighting and extreme close-up on the first shot. Super stoked on CMON contests! Throw me a vote!

Posted: 26 Mar 2015

7.5 /10 (32 Votes) 1.6k Views

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IA IA Cthulhu fhtagn!!!
31 Mar 2015 • Vote: 9
30 Mar 2015 • Vote: 9
BloodFather of Kharnath
Looks like an illithid. Sorta
29 Mar 2015 • Vote: 8
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