Blood Angels Battle Brothers

More power armour! Not very original I know, but blood angels have been a passion of mine since the glorious days of second edition 40k. (More than twenty years ago now - scary!) I painted a squad of blood angels for golden demon a few years ago, and although it was a huge effort I was never very satisfied with the final result. Thus it was inevitable that I would have another attempt at realising my vision with another, even larger effort! My goal was to capture the major contrasting aspects of the chapter as I see them: the nobility of the battle brothers resplendent in their bright red power armour, the insanity and rage of the death company, and the angelic aspect and impassive stoicism of the golden commander. I have mixed bits from various GW kits, but the main area of conversion was in the creation of the commander. I used the web store exclusive captain as a basis, removed the frankly ludicrous number of skulls from the cape and re-sculpted parts of the loin cloth since I didn't want to use the supplied retro skull scabbard. This was then combined with a more fitting head, shoulder pad and backpack. I have no idea how many hundreds of hours have gone into this piece. Apart from one or two minor distractions it has been the sole focus of my hobby time for 8 months. Full NMM, lots of blending, lots of little freehands - at this point I'm just relieved to have finally finished it! Please click on the pictures for a closer look. I hope you enjoy looking!

Posted: 19 Jun 2015

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Good job
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