Good morning, slave! (Overall)

This mini have some interesting story behind worth to tell and hear, so here it is. It was released in a 2007 by a promising sculptor-wannabe, Grishnak. As it was just a hobby for him back than, he made just a 10 copies. When i managed to see the greens in 2012, all of the copies were sold, of course. But, luckily for me, Grishnak has some flawed castings left, so i get that 11th dark elf girl and restored her to my best. Sadly, some parts were damaged beyond restoration, so the figure went though a series of conversions. The girl was intended to be shown on Hussar 2012, but i was kind of out of time and perfered to switch to the other project. When i tried to resume, the girl accidentaly fell of a table and crashed to pieces, so the project was closed again. I remembered about her at the 2014 december, changing the whole concept, and this time she was finished at last. Nowdays Grishnak is a full-time professional, launching a line of gaming and showcase minis, Grishnak Models. There are a high chance that the elf girl will be released again as a part of a showcase line. She was kind of a gate to sculpting for me, as i have to go a long way restoring it with a magic sculp putty. So, that`s it.Of cource, this is brushwork all the way, i used airbrush for grounding only.The model is around 110-115mm tall. You can find more of her here - Details set I`m accepting commissions. Drop me a message, if you interested. WIPs, step-by-steps and more on my Patreon

Posted: 26 Aug 2015

9.7 /10 (195 Votes) 40.7k Views

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amazing....realy beautyfull :-)
25 Dec 2015 • Vote: 10
So, thanks again to everyone who voted and commented. It`s really inportant to see your interest, people.
23 Dec 2015
Damn dude that is the best skin tone I have ever seen painted and I have been doing this for over 20 years. I need to post some of my minis. Jesus dude you have skill. Kudos
25 Oct 2015 • Vote: 10
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