Ezalyth, Queen of the Damned

Did this one for Chick Challenge 4, I had just got the box and barely made the date for submitting "before" photos. For some reason, this gave me the most trouble but came out better than my other entry.. mostly because the "White Sealer of Death" reared it's ugly head when I had most of it done and was sealing it because little bits were flaking off. All that was saved was her face. I went for a more realistic looking skin, instead of diseased, but put the crack marks to let you know the skin is NOT natural.. I love the eyes, they are the most expressive I've done yet. I went for the cloudy aged eyes and that came out well. We were debating on verdigris NMM rust and I think this is a good example of it on the crown and mirror. As for the base, I just wanted something different. I may take it off or paint over it, because I don't wish to do EVERY fig from the set like that.. :P

Posted: 13 Dec 2003

7.9 /10 (158 Votes) 3.1k Views

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I'm really digging the paintjob on this one. I find myself peeking at this every few minutes. The rust on the crown and mirror looks great. I like how it matches the eyebrows on the flesh side of the head. The skin on the face looks great. The faint checkerboard pattern on the dagger is sweet. I kinda like the painting on the base. Just wish I could get a better look at the mirror. Nice job!
27 Feb 2004 • Vote: 9
I think this is your best work yet Chris. Very smooth. But I do have to agree with Temperance about the base - I think it detracts from the figure. Fantastic work overall though!
15 Dec 2003 • Vote: 9
Hmm, I have a few problems with this. I think it's a bit chaotic for my tastes. The extra detail on the base is just a colorful mess, and I think it detracts from the figure. I like the the odd turquoise touches on the metal items. My number one problem? I find it a distasteful sculpture.
15 Dec 2003 • Vote: 8
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