I love your work but still have some little aspects that I do not like.
- The NMMs, especially of the gold, are great
- I love the blue of the tunic
- Overall the skin is awesome :)
- I have some logical problems with the base. The scattering of the blood looks unnatural, especially that it is only on the stone and there mostly centered and not on the grass.
- Is there some tunic under the shoulder armor or why is there the same blue as on the tunic? I think it would feel more realistic if it also was metall.
- Why is there a stone on the step on which she is staying? And why is the step so heavy weathered (all the earth there) while especially the higher podest looks polished.
- Maybe it is the angle of the camera but the miniature does not invite to center the focus on the face. I am not sure how to improve that but compared to the face the blue tunic between the legs draws to much attention for my taste.
Please see that all the comments are on a very high level and concern minor details.