Undead Chariot

This was a piece I did back in 96.. thought Id shoot it for my web site finally and share it here. Its totally scratchbuilt made from who knows how many metal parts and TONS of green putty and styrene plastic. I Know I have over 200+ hours of work into this project. For thouse of you who may remember way back, this piece was featured in White Dwarf #195 page #25. If you wish to see more images of this piece, go to http://www.dragonforge.com/Painting%20service/Painting.html Thanks and enjoy!

Posted: 5 May 2002

8.2 /10 (290 Votes) 7.1k Views

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Who is everyone trying to kid? This deserves no less than a 10. Anyone who votes less deserves to get the business end of my warhammer.
28 Sep 2003
I remember the pics in White Dwarf. Awesome work my friend. Must have taken you many hours before you even went near it with a brush.
12 Dec 2002
Great piece of work! Do you have any bigger pics?
7 May 2002 • Vote: 9

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