Mina, Dragon Hunter (1/9 large bust)
Hi everyone! Let me introduce the start of a new adventure, my own line of limited edition miniatures: Graphigaut Studio! The first release limited to 100 copies is this large bust, some of you could have see it at SMC this year. The website is online, the shop open saturday and you can register your mail to be notify of the release. https://www.graphigaut-studio.com The 20 FIRSTS copies will be ship before Christmas ;) The bust has been sculpt with Sculpey Firm/Fimo and Milliput, a lot of pics of step by steps has been post on my profile on FB (Gautier Giroud), and you'll be able to find on the page I just created: https://www.facebook.com/Graphigautstudio There will not be only busts on my shop, I just want to be able to creat all I want, be sure you'll find in the future full size figures, probably in 75mm Hope you like it!
Posted: 7 Dec 2018
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