Sgt Schlock

This is my first scratchbuilt mini - I chose one of my favorite webcomic characters for my first attempt. Well, that and he was fairly simple to do

Posted: 30 Mar 2004

5.1 /10 (112 Votes) 1.5k Views

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Howard Tayler
Some pointers: 1) Schlock's "folds" should not run around his entire circumference, and he should look a bit less like a stack of donuts. 2) His left eye should be between 1/2 and 2/3 the diameter of his right eye. 3) Color matching him is hard outside of an RGB/CMYK environment. I'd start with "olive drab" and highlight with "khaki." I'm flattered, by the way. Thank you!
22 Nov 2006
tons of crap
tons of crap
23 Aug 2006
Oh yeah, I used to read Schlock Mercenary too... before I dedicated my free time to beta tests... god, I'm such a nerd...
18 Sep 2004 • Vote: 10
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