fresh sceletons

They are not painted only converted! Hmyk work. What is your opinion about them?

Posted: 3 Jul 2004

5.6 /10 (72 Votes) 1.8k Views

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Maybe they're vikings.. a grave where a viking was buried with all his armor, weaponry, jewels, even sometimes with his horse and/or boat.. was called kuml ! But these look ok to me as non-painted. Invocation of Nehek and they're just out of the grave kind of stuff going on here :D
10 Jul 2004 • Vote: 5
No Such Agency
Good thing they were buried with weapons. It's always such a hassle to have to put a guy in the graveyard handing out equipment as they rise. (as for the minis they need some grass or dirt to be rising out of...)
3 Jul 2004 • Vote: 5

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