Warlord - Duke Gerard

Crusader Warlord for the Warlord game. Protector of Good. I left him glossy on the metals, but brushed on dulcoat on the flesh and fabric. Comments?

Posted: 28 Sep 2004

5.6 /10 (77 Votes) 1.7k Views

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I've been looking at this and wondering what to suggest to help. I think that a touch of silver mixed into the base coat and thouched along the edges would bring up the armour. Personally I'd use a steel metal on the blade edges and you could use it on the rivets of the armour as well. Having said all that I know what a difficult figure this one is to paint.
14 Jan 2005 • Vote: 9
I'm sitting here wondering what colours you use. And also how you undercoat your minis. Sometimes a great way of improving is to undercoat your minis black. Because than you'll be forced to work all the way up to the brighter colours, creating depth as you go.
6 Dec 2004

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