
A Zombie with a very "unzombieishly" clean armour ;)

Posted: 6 Aug 2002

7.8 /10 (311 Votes) 16.3k Views

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I have to take issue with U4welcome's comment. Just because someone is proficient with advanced painting techniques doesn't mean they have to be applied to every mini. A clean, minimalist style is often the best for a particular sculpt, and this is a perfect example.
14 Jul 2006 • Vote: 9
Hm, I don't get it. The painting is undeniably clean and well done, but I feel the model doesn't offer anything special. Furthermore, I can easily find other minis with stunning models that give the opportunity to use many more painting effects. I'm sure you could tackle a more challenging model, that'd offer the opportunity for wide surfaces (blending and freehand), gems, NMM, SENMM, lightsourcing, and all the other tricks. But "just" clean painting isn't a 9 in my book.
16 Jul 2003 • Vote: 8
Wow, I can´t believe my eyes
22 Jun 2003
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