Gandalf LOTR OSL attempt

My first OSL attempt ... I had lot of problems with the stick who broken every time :S The catch of sight was difficult because I wanted an environment sinks. Lighting facial, is shifted side of the source of light. I do not know if it exsite a technique to draw from good photographs of OSL. If you thank you know some to communicate them to me. Mon premier OSL, je crois que ce travail me servira pour mes prochaines figurines... J'ai appris à accentuer les contrastes et à poser les ombres ... Le baton est super fragile et super chiant à recoler... Comments! oh yes !

Posted: 22 May 2005

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moi j'aime bien l'aspect brutal des dégradés en OSL... m'enfin tout le monde sait que je suis plus artiste que technicien ;P
18 Sep 2005 • Vote: 7
luis gomez pradal
great work...he is so realistic...i loveit
21 Jul 2005
Very good OSL, clear paint and nice base! Complments!!
29 May 2005 • Vote: 9
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