Galhyan, Cynwall Heliast

This is the result of 50 hours work during a period of a month. I have repainted some very few areas, which I have comed to believe would help a lot. What I did was that I changed the black filigree to gold, and then I fixed some small things here and there. I went for a limited pallette for the first time, where I used green and blue as the main colors. This was really quite a fun model to paint! I mostly enjoyed painting the cloak and the tabard. They were the absolute best playgrounds for me to blend as well as I was able to! I had some fun with the masks and the base too - I am quite fond of chessboard patterns. Special thanks go to Iago (better known as Kaleth Black Heart here at cmon) BrokenBlade and Albert. Iago for all the wonderful recipes and the superb guidance. BrokenBlade for his mastering of photoshop - he made this pic better for me. Albert for his great support!

Posted: 8 Jun 2005

8.7 /10 (114 Votes) 2.6k Views

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The base on this is really nice, and the colour scheme is well chosen too imo.
8 Oct 2005 • Vote: 9
Albert Moreto Font
heyo morten very very nice model! i like the colorscheme, you know turquoise... hehe and the chessboard design too... very good blends everywhere, my only criticism is the black of the head, well you know what i mean. And also the freehands could be much more astonishing.. but this is ok hehe nice skintone also.. keep up ! cheers albert
11 Jun 2005 • Vote: 10
amber arts
I can't understand why people are downscoring other's work here on CMON when it makes it's way up to the top week. Is it some kind of sport? 'I'm better cause I can downscore you'? Anyway this piece is beautiful and deserves much more than 8.9 in my opinion. The amount of work you put into it shows. Some blends on the cloth could be better if you want some criticism, but it doesn't change the overall great feel.
9 Jun 2005 • Vote: 10
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