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  1. mattsterbenz

    Some Ebay Auctions for Tabletop Quality Painted GW figs

    Hi all. Spring cleaning has started and I've just posted a few auctions up on Ebay. In fact I'm totally new to selling on Ebay, hopefully I'm doing this right. Item Number: 220780242723 Item Number: 220780245297 Item Number: 220780246617 Item Number: 220780248803 Item Number...
  2. mattsterbenz

    Matt's NMM and Blending Article

    Hi All. I'm in the process of writing an article on how I approach NMM surfaces and how I blend. I figure the best way for me to do this is in installments on the forums, providing better opportunity for feedback and answering questions. Once the installments are finished I will polish them up...
  3. mattsterbenz

    Salamanders Chaplain Dread

    Been a while since I submitted something, hasn't it? With school keeping me tied I don't have much time for painting higher quality stuff these days. Some of you may remember this commissioned fellow from my WIP thread. You can find a voting link here As...
  4. mattsterbenz


    For anyone who is interested, I have written another step-by-step painting article. You can find it on page 12 of this month's Wargames Illustrated (#269). :D Pretty stoked to have a tutorial published! Take a look and let me know what you think! -Matt
  5. mattsterbenz

    Musician Thread!

    Any other CMONers musicians? Please share! I play electric guitar for fun every now and again. I\'m totally self taught, and I recently started attempting to record stuff. I have a few mellow bluesy songs posted on SoundClick for your listening (dis)pleasure :)...
  6. mattsterbenz

    Matt's WIP 2.0

    No more Bretonnians, but lots of other stuff for your viewing pleasure. First up I have my Empire army that I have been working on here and there. Just a tabletop quality army. That last picture of the bunch shows the big box filled with the rest of the stuff I have ready for paint. Not...
  7. mattsterbenz

    Big Bird

    Been a while since I submitted something, hasn\'t it? The staff and wings made it pretty difficult to photograph. Sorry things are a little blurry! The staff is a small conversion. I like the spiral looking staff much more than the smooth one, but hate the...
  8. mattsterbenz

    A different kind of WIP

    It\'s still miniature related... hope it\'s ok being on here. :) There\'s an indy Grand Tournament that\'s going to be in Phoenix in a couple months, and I\'ve been commissioned by the organizer to do an oil painting. This painting features the top two armies of last years tournament. It will...
  9. mattsterbenz

    Matt\'s Absence

    Hey folks, In response to a few questions and PMs: I found out some time ago that my photobucket account exceeded the bandwidth, thus breaking all of my photos in the WIP section as well as a few of my articles here. I\'m sorry to everyone who has been following them or tried to reference an...
  10. mattsterbenz

    Any Portrait Painters Here? (nudity)

    So I have recently dabbled a bit in painting the human figure (I have drawn it before, but stayed away from the subject in my canvas paintings). I want to try painting portraits and broaden my commission field. Anyone here paint portraits and care to share your work/experience? I\'d love to...
  11. mattsterbenz

    Matt\'s Sunday Project, round 2

    Hiya folks!!! Since the last Sunday WIP was such a success (thanks again everyone!) I decided to start another one :) I hate keeping ALL of my projects super-secret! (Though there still are a couple things I\'m keeping up my paint-stained sleeves) This is one for fun, working in the \'Eavy...
  12. mattsterbenz


    Well, after many short Sunday-only painting sessions it is finally done! I am very happy with this figure. I think it is my best so far. I really pushed myself with the non-metallic metals and reflections - something I enjoy doing a lot and never thought it could get this complex! After I read...
  13. mattsterbenz

    Custom Foam Trays

    Mods, if this belongs in another forum feel free to move it :) A friend of mine recently started a business making custom-cut foam designed to fit GW or ArmyTransport army cases. I don\'t think he has made any announcement here so I figured I\'d help him spread the word. He\'s got a video on...
  14. mattsterbenz

    Life on Mars!

    Life could exist on Mars... right now! \"Experts speculate that the methane is being emitted as a waste product by organisms called methanogens living in water beneath underground ice. \" Incredible! Thoughts? -Matt
  15. mattsterbenz

    Forgive me Father, for I have Sinned...

    I did the unthinkable. And finally I am comfortable enough to confess: I reactivated my World of Warcraft account, and bought the new expansion. I had been 6 months sober, and that has all collapsed! In fact, played most of the day Sunday and got a horrible neck ache! I couldn\'t turn my head...
  16. mattsterbenz

    Thought Police, Report in!

    My little sister is in 8th grade. I just heard that her school announced that NO ONE is allowed to speak of Christmas at school. No one can mention what gifts they asked their parents to get. And I thought it was bad enough when the public schools here banned Halloween costumes (because of a...
  17. mattsterbenz

    My Little Sunday Project...

    I try to take Sundays off from working on commissions, and I use that day for homework and personal projects. I couldn\'t help but get my hands on the new Warriors of Chaos spearhead box, and let me just say WOW! I haven\'t been this excited about new miniatures in a long, long time. :) (And...
  18. mattsterbenz

    Metallics Article

    Just wrote another article. You can find it here. Would love feedback :) -Matt
  19. mattsterbenz

    New to blogging...

    <p><font face="times new roman,times" size="3">Hello everyone! I've seen these blogs for a while now and figured I'd create one. I'll still be updating the Bretonnian and Eldar WIP threads but I guess I'll post all the other random projects here :)</font></p><p><font face="times new roman,times"...
  20. mattsterbenz

    Sergeant Denegos

    Sergeant Denegos of the Dark Angels Chapter: This is the latest miniature I have painted, as a final addition to my portfolio before submitting it to Games Workshop in hopes of joining the \'Eavy Metal team. I was really inspired by the armor BrokenBlade\'s fantastic Marnius Calgar. I...
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