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  1. derwish

    Miniatureholder V3 - now LIVE on kickstarter

    Dear friends... WE ARE LIVE Show your love for our new holders & grips and share it! For the next 30 days it`s up to you, if we can realize the V3 project. Make yourself a better and happier...
  2. derwish

    Nathaniell - how I did some parts of the project

    Hi, I have received several questions about my newest post in the galery: After searching a while I found some pictures on my harddrive... The metal structure of the roof was made with a lot of tiny green stuff sausages. I used a half ball made of stewalin...
  3. derwish

    derwish`s Miniature Holders & Grips V3 announcement

    During the past two years we enhanced the Miniature Holders and extended our product lineup according to your feedback. Rathcore and PK-PRO presents the revolutionary V3Series Miniature Holder System. A smart holder system for painting and sculpting tabletop and board game miniatures -...
  4. derwish

    Help wanted! Our new products in return for proofreading.

    Hi, I'm Stephan, aka derwish. I'm searching for a native proofreader (en-us) for our upcoming campaign. Probably not too difficult for a native american but for me ;) I can offer two of our new products, we have left after a first production test run, in return. To give you an idea of what this...
  5. derwish

    derwish`s secret

    SOLD OUT - SOLD OUT - SOLD OUT next sell starts in january 2013 Hello painterfriends, Many of you have asked me how it`s possible to paint such precisely details as I do. The solution is quite simple ... Several years ago I developed a kind of miniature holder to improve the balance and...
  6. derwish

    Some updates @

    Hi miniature-friends Wanted to let you know, that I have updated my site a little bit. Some pictures, a new tutorial and photobackrounds for your minis, feel free to use. If you want to use... crediting my site as source would be cool. Happy painting, cheers, your Stephan
  7. derwish

    Derwish`s big sale

    Hello mini-friends, I have decided to sell my miniature-collection out of financial reasons. Now, everyone has the opportunity to back up one or more entries. If you are interested, you can find more information on the homepage of my website: Nice regards, your...
  8. derwish

    Derwish`s big sale

    Hello mini-friends, I have decided to sell my miniature-collection out of financial reasons. Now, everyone has the opportunity to back up one or more entries. If you are interested, you can find more information on the homepage of my website: Nice regards, your...
  9. derwish

    Arwen from 2008

    Hello mini-friends:D Finaly I have taken pictures and postet them here. It`s the Arwen who won a Golden Demon 2008 in Modena Hope you like her All my best wishes to my painter-friends Your Stephan bigger pictures:
  10. derwish

    Dark elves tower

    Hello friends Today I want to share my first diorama with you. Luckily I won a futher slayer sword with the tower. On my new website I wrote some words about it and there is also a toturial as the tower was built. For votes and comments I`m always thankfull...
  11. derwish


    Perhaps you know it, but if not... Try to beat me if you`re brave enough: Greetings, Stephan
  12. derwish


    Hey there Here`s my swordmaster I entered in Italy. With luck I got a golden demon in the open category. for bigger pictures: blue areas: regal blue as base color, shadows with midnight blue and black highlighted with enchanted blue and...
  13. derwish

    ... in the swamps of nurgle.

    Hey painter-friends, This duell was my entry at the german GD last sunday. I´m very happy, it made a golden one. What do you think about it? more view`s : closer view: Best wishes, Stephan
  14. derwish

    first entry at golden demon contest

    Hey, At the moment, I`m working on a mini for golden demon-contest. It`s the first time I put a mini in contest. I`m not sure, if I should seal my work with matt varnish or not!? How do other participants of this contest seal her minis? Does anybody know that, or can help? Thx, Stephan
  15. derwish

    Which colors are the best! Vallejo, GW, others

    Whitch colors are you using and why. Consider pros and cons.:bouncy:
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