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  1. SJB

    Article: Resin 30mm Zombies at Eolith

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  2. SJB

    Spyglass Asylum sculpting tips: armatures

    As some of you may already know I recently started a blog, Spyglass Asylum. It's for a lot of my random thoughts regarding miniatures in one way or another. As I often get people asking about my various sculpting techniques I thought that I would post occasionally about such things and my first...
  3. SJB

    Article: Painted Eolith and Spyglass studio figs for sale

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  4. SJB

    Article: Spyglass New Releases

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  5. SJB

    Article: 54mm Dracula + LTD spyglass re-releases up for Pre-Order!

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  6. SJB

    Article: New Eolith releases now shipping.

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  7. SJB

    Article: Eolith new releases now shipping!

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  8. SJB

    Article: Spyglass Pre-orders now shipping!

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  9. SJB

    Article: 54mm Shae now available at Eolith

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  10. SJB

    Article: New Eolith Pre-orders for June

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  11. SJB

    Article: Spyglass launches 54mm fantasy

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  12. SJB

    Article: New Eolith Pre-orders

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  13. SJB

    Steves UK Golden Demon entries

    I went back to Golden Demon UK yesterday for the first time in five years. I thought I'd share some pics of the entries I did and give links to their entries in the gallery (with multiple views and extreme closeups). Okay, first up is my Empire Greatsword (silver WFB single). I'll file him...
  14. SJB

    Eolith 28mm Zombies

    Recently finished the first few figures in my planned 28mm range for Eolith. I normally don't do previews as many of you know but I've ended up sculpting in a very different style to usual so I'm curious to the reaction (let's put it like this, if I just said I was sculpting 28mm zombies, I'm...
  15. SJB

    My latest Eolith mini: 28mm Sir Godric

    My latest sculpt/paintjob for Eolith. Had this guy on my sculpting desk for ages, not getting around to finishing him due to other commitments. You can even see that I ran out of Procreate at one stage and had to switch to green. Then went back to Procreate to finish him. But he's done now and...
  16. SJB

    My latest Eolith sculpt - 54mm Rose

    Finally got decent pics of my latest 54mm sculpt that I'm releasing through Eolith. So, she gets to go in my gallery for your viewing pleasure/mockery... You can vote at should you feel like it :) An interesting sculpt for me as it's still early days for my...
  17. SJB

    Eolith Minis - Resin versus metal...

    Here at Eolith, I'm looking for your thoughts once more... I've been singing the praises of resin over the last year or so, and it's still my favourite casting medium but, I'm wondering if I should be going the more economical road of metal. Right now, margins are very tight. The price rise I...
  18. SJB

    54mm Eolith versus Spyglass.. your opinions.

    Okay, I'm after some opinions. Not long before I started the Eolith endevour I asked around a bit regarding my 54mm figures. At the time that was mostly Anastasia and Shae and I was wondering how they stacked up and what would be required for greater sales etc... The answers were pretty solid...
  19. SJB

    Need ProCreate...

    Well, I'm put of Procreate putty and need more. Now, I can't stand the new, darker formula. I understand that Kraftmark are going back to the lighter colour but it'll take a while to get it into circulation. So, does anyone have any of the original light Procreate that I can obtain from you...
  20. SJB

    Thrice damned ebay!!!

    Grumble... Just listed a film poster on Ebay and I find that I'm not allowed to charge anything for postage on it because Ebay doesn't think I should. What the hell is wrong with these people? I don't want to send it by second class in a basic envelope as it's a rare piece. Needs special...
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