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  1. Infidel Castro

    The end of a long road

    It's with great relief that I have packed in the painting game. I stopped enjoying it a very long time ago and have tried through various periods to rekindle my love, but it's long gone. I'm binning off the remnants of my small collection, as well as a very decent job lot of paints, equipment...
  2. Infidel Castro

    In memoriam of RLobinske

    Haven't been round here in ages. And I can't find the RLobinske thread. I'll keep looking. That was a golden age.
  3. Infidel Castro

    South Wales Painting and Sculpting thing

    It's not official, it's not even an organisation, but can i just give Tim (freakinacage) a salute for sorting out a couple of meets in the last few weeks. We've met up at Firestorm (Trade St, Cardiff) twice, though Tim might have been before then to get the ball rolling...anyway, we attended...
  4. Infidel Castro

    Health & Safety Hilarity

    This is real quality... We were recently told to attend a Health & Safety course called Manual Handling. Most of you'll be aware of the concept (it's basically how to lift stuff). Well, upon attending the course, we were told that for Health & Safety purposes, we would not be able to do any...
  5. Infidel Castro

    SAP systems at work

    I'm sure some of you deal with this crock of shite. I'm sure it has its application in some ways, but as soon as the system has to be bent to specific needs the whole thing turns into a monster. Horrendous. Worst system I've ever used. Anyone share the pain?
  6. Infidel Castro

    Advanced HQ question

    In Advanced HeroQuest, the line-of-sight for projectiles is a bit shite and confusing. It says you should count the squares to the target, but must not count diagonally. Now, the only way i can work this sort of jazz out is with Pythagorean Theorem. Anyone else have any experience with the...
  7. Infidel Castro

    Where's the World Cup thread?

    Sheesh! France looked appalling yesterday.
  8. Infidel Castro

    For the collectors out there....

    I just wanted to point you towards this: Not a bad paintjob, a nice old miniature, not a bad price all told.
  9. Infidel Castro

    New Sticky Idea For RT-era and Old Citadel Miniatures

    Evening all.... I just posted a discussion topic on the feedback/bugs forum. It'd be nice to have your views. Cheers. rev.
  10. Infidel Castro

    Rogue Trader and older Citadel minis sticky thread request

    Hello! I was wondering if we'd be able to get a sticky in place to discuss purchasing of older miniatures, specifically Rogue Trader era and early Citadel stuff. I suppose I could just start a thread, but it'd be nice to make it official. And what part of the forums could it inhabit?
  11. Infidel Castro

    New name

    Look at my new name! Thanks Chern for making it all possible :D.
  12. Infidel Castro

    Sherlock Holmes in damned good film shocker

    I found it to be a corker. I'm sure a good handful will disagree, but that's what we do round these here parts. And I know there was probably a thread about it, but I'm not resurrecting old threads, maaaaaaan.
  13. Infidel Castro

    Seeing is believing
  14. Infidel Castro

    Three on the go

    Bit of a mish-mash, having real trouble finalising the D fwarf as I'm not sure what colour to go with on the sleeves. Will do the shield on the back and finish the top of the hammer, tidying up the base. The priest with a shooter is a figure that appealed to me from the off, but his face is so...
  15. Infidel Castro

    That'll learn 'em!
  16. Infidel Castro


    It's Sunday, I'm in work, I've got a headache from ale yesterday and a (metaphorical) pain in my heart from watching Wales lose to New Zealand again. I'm hungry and far from my bed; and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, but that's an Autumn thing I suppose (as a for instance, I nicked some deodorant...
  17. Infidel Castro

    New stuff

    About this new stuff... WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT! I'm not quite getting the point of being able to purchase nearly 10,000 pretend beers, or 22 Egberts. And, having used similar forums at Urban75 and Theology Online, there are some functions I'm missing in the forums here, namely the ability to...
  18. Infidel Castro

    The Taffia

    A quick heads up... I've started a group that covers "...Welsh, Welsh-based or just Welsh-curious painters and gamers..." I'm looking for a few more numbers to swell our ranks (we number but three at the mo) and I am awaiting Talion and Mr Scream to get back to us. However, there are others...
  19. Infidel Castro

    Less voting activity...less FORUM activity!

    It\'s true, isn\'t it? There\'s far less forum activity these days. Am I right or am I right? ???
  20. Infidel Castro

    I just learnt an amazing thing

    I always assumed that images people post in the threads were applied through photobucket or some such. Well, I just had a bit of an epiphany. By hovering over the images, right-clicking and checking the properties, an URL is displayed. I copied one of them and put it into the Add Picture option...
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