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  1. T

    my lack of painting

    <p>I've haven't had much time to paint much recently, but I certainly have been working on miniatures of late. &nbsp;This January I accepted a job as a game designer for the D&amp;D Miniatures game at Wizards of the Coast, so the last few months have been a real wild ride. &nbsp;It's been...
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    D&D Miniatures Gen Con Indy 2007 trophies

    <p>I've been involved as a Judge for the D&amp;D Miniatures games at various big shows (Indy, So Cal, Winter Fantasy/D&amp;D Experience)&nbsp;the last three years.&nbsp;&nbsp; The second time I was at Gen Con I talked with the man in charge of Organized Play for the game and told him that I...
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    Hello and Welcome (First Post!)

    <p>Welcome to yet another blog!</p><p>Since I already have a blog, it seems silly to have two -- but in this case I can strip out my miniature-related posts from <a href="">my personal blog.</a></p>
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    Article: Voting fun again? New random image algorithm

    You can view the page at
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    Temperance hits 100!

    I broke 100! Okay, 102, actually. I had to delete two. Last night I submitted my 99-102nd miniature to CMoN, which happened to be a set of four trophies for the WotC D&D Miniatures game Sealed Championship that is going on at Gen Con So Cal next weekend.
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    GenCon Indy 2004

    Are there any planned get-togethers for cool mini or not people at GenCon this year? It looks like I\'m actually going to make it this year. One panel is the \"how to become a professional mini painter\" and I\'ll hopefully make it to that schedule permitting.
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    More illusions

    A while ago someone posted an interesting illusion on how the brain could be fooled in thinking the same color shade was different depending on the surroundings. Here are a few more:
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    built in airbrush mask?

    Hey airbrushers, I have a question for you guys. I\'m wondering if there exists some sort of mask that you can attach to the airbrush. My idea is something about 6 inches from the nozzle and you insert little slides into it for different mask effects. (a circle for doing dots, a slit for a...
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    Chrispy scares me.

    This is in reference to the comic \"Doomed & Doomer\". How does Chrispy know about the Bookshelf (tm)? The bottom shelf is storage, the 2nd shelf is assorted D&D books from 1st ed to 3.5 ed, the 3rd shelf is dediated to both the WEG Star Wars game and WotC\'s version, the 4th shelf currently...
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    New fig, comments please?

    I can\'t believe I\'m doing this... Normally, I\'m a patient man and I can wait for a comment, but here\'s a fig I\'m quite happy with and I\'m impatiently looking for some comments. It\'s one of the few non-monster miniatures that I\'ve been happy with. Reaper sculpt name Derek the Tall...
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    Is CMoN->eBay posting automation possible?

    I guess this post is more geared for Chern Ann, but anyone can pipe in. I\'m finally thinking of posting some figures on to eBay for sale, and I am pretty much at a loss for where to start. I know an automation method isn\'t available now, but I was wondering if it would be possible to write a...
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    CONvergence, Twin Cities convention July 4th Weekend

    Hi all, Just a heads up for those Geeks in Minneapolis. If you plan on going to CONvergence there is a panel Saturday morning (11 am) called \"98 Figures of Lead on the wall\". I\'ll be there as so far the only moderator; it\'s sort of a show-and-tell for miniatures. Stop on by and introduce...
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    Temperatures of figure molds?

    Hi all, Quick question here -- can anyone tell me the temperature that vulcanized rubber molds are \"baked\" at when they\'re created? I obviously don\'t mean the room-temperature vulcanizing rubber, but what companies like GW would use. The point is that I need to cast a figure that might...
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    How to start a miniature company?

    Okay, hypothetical discussion time. ;) I\'m sure that quite a bit of you have had quite a bit of experience in the miniature world, and I was wondering what needs to be done to start up a miniature company. Some of these questions might be pretty general for any sort of company, so I\'m sure...
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    Airbrush recommendation?

    Does anyone have an airbrush recommendation for miniature painters? Here\'s the point -- I just experimented with non-standard primer colors for speed painting, in the current case an enamel silver/chrome coating on a few armored figures -- 5 figures done in approximately 5 hours for the set...
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    Wholesale plastic sources?

    I\'m wondering how miniature companies create the plastic bases that come with their miniatures. I\'m sure that the larger companies like GW have their own in-house \"foundry\" for lack of a better word, but I\'m more interested in the small run companies. (perhaps Dave/borg can help most with...
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    Transparent paints?

    I\'m curious -- are there transparent paints suitable for miniatures on the market? Most figure paints seem to be opaque. I guess the main point is for use with washes; a thin transparent black wash over metal paint, for instance.
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    New WotC Miniature pictures

    Here is some news on the new WotC/D&D line of miniatures. There is a typo in the first one -- it claims that the figures are 40-65mm large, but it\'s been assured that they\'re actually the typical 28mm size that we all know and love. (If you look carefully in some of the pictures, you\'ll see...
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    Color selection software idea

    I\'ve had a thought in my head for a few days, and I wanted to see what others thought of it. In photoshop and other programs, there\'s a tool called the eyedropper tool. When selecting a part of the image, it gives the value of the color. There are several methods for defining a color. One...
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    2nd CMoN contest

    Here I am, going through the old forum posts to figure out how long it took for the first CMoN contest to go from idea to reality (idea was posted on 4-24-2002) to provide evidence on why we should start talking about the next contest, and Borg/DD goes ahead and posts the next figure. Woo hoo...
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