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  1. Sand Rat

    Da Flowr-Pot Stompa

    When I was still gainfully employed, I'd work on minis between calls. This is a project I was working on and hope to get back on after the first of the year, ya gitz!
  2. Sand Rat

    What I've been up to, or why I've been lurking, again.

    So, I popped back up then disappeared again. This is why. and for the UK...
  3. Sand Rat

    Rest in Peace, Sheppard Paine

    Just saw that Sheppard Paine has died. One of the guys whose work I aspired to match.
  4. Sand Rat

    Hi. Been a while. Gotten into a new line of work, you could say.

    Its a bit dusty in here. Been a while since I stopped by, in large part because life has interfered. It's still interfering, mind you, but we're getting that under control. I've had to change careers, as it were. Which has lead to this -...
  5. Sand Rat


    So, have been thinking about this for a while. Has anyone else noticed that 40K battlefields tend to be clear of obstructions? Its like both sides agreed to a nice clear field to fight on. Yes, I get that part of this is adopting the terrain to the minis, but why other than the pictures...
  6. Sand Rat

    Strangest thing in your paint box, and what you use it for.

    So, was putting shoe polish on popsicle sticks today for a project and it got me thinking about the strange things we use for minis. Whats the strangest thing in your paint box and what do you use it for? In mine I'd go with oxblood shoe polish, and I use it on wood.
  7. Sand Rat

    Escapee's from da Grotz Paint Shop -

    A few things finally got finished in the paint shop - Stompa with Force Field generator and scratch built lifta droppa - Da lifta droppa - Oh, and the head is magnetized Da side only da Grotz and da Boyz in da mob seez - Da other arm - A battle fortress - Da Skool Bus Wit a...
  8. Sand Rat

    Goblin Aid

    Not sure how many folks are following this, but Kev Adams (Crooked Claw Miniatures) was attacked earlier this week - He's out of hospital, but there is an effort going on to support him in this time of need.
  9. Sand Rat

    Torn Armor - Kickstarter

    The folks over at Torn World are at it again. Torn Armor is a fantasy squad-based miniatures skirmish board game set in the World of Torn. It presents the lore, races, people, heroes, and history to players through the use of game-play scenarios and core rules. It is one product offering within...
  10. Sand Rat

    In all seriousness

    Why is it (and this is after reading several discussions on other boards) that there seems to be some sort of connection that goes like this - I'm gonna play Chaos - Chaos = Nazi's and the KKK? I get the Chaos = Evil, and Nazi's/KKK = Evil, but seriously has anyone who made this leap looked at...
  11. Sand Rat

    Games Workshop News

    Per BoLS - Mark Wells has stepped down. Thoughts?
  12. Sand Rat

    Reworking Bones . . . . Pic Heavy

    So, I left work the other day, with this on my desk - And came in the next day to this - Much wrath was expended on my part (verbally of course) and this was what I had - And then the fun started the next night - after about 8 hours of work I had this And the following night, I...
  13. Sand Rat

    A question of size -

    Can anyone tell me how tall the GW Giant is?
  14. Sand Rat

    Article: Barbed wire - Quick and Dirty

    You can view the page at
  15. Sand Rat

    I know I'm old school, but

    Why am I seeing hundreds of figures without drilled gun barrels? It isn't that hard with GW figures.
  16. Sand Rat

    Failcast true value

    So, I'm over on the GW site, looking for a little inspiration when I see the Dark Vengence Box sets - without the limited edition figure, $99 USD. With the limited edition figure, 107 USD - think that kinda sums up what GW thinks the failcast figures are worth, no?
  17. Sand Rat

    Is there a way to Retitle a thread?

    Would like to re-title my Orkspry thread - but cannot figure out how to do it - is there a way?
  18. Sand Rat

    Looking to Trade Ork Heads for Necron Ones

    Got a few spare ork heads, I need a few Necron ones - looking to make a swap - any takers?
  19. Sand Rat


    Ok, so progress on the Orkspry and a couple of other projects was slowed if not stopped this weekend due to my airbrush not drawing paint. I've replaced pretty much every part I can replace and its still not working. So, I'm in the market to replace my trusty Badger 200 - and since I've got a...
  20. Sand Rat


    Is there a more perfect food than the humble Tamale?
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