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  1. JesterzUSMC

    Right Need Christmas money.

    Okay I will give you a situation report, but you can skip it if you are heartless...LOL ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Background story starts here...
  2. JesterzUSMC

    End and Beginning! OR Jesterz moves to Britain!

    YES! It's true, the prophecy is to be fulfilled! I am putting in my passport application tomorrow, and am negotiating the details on a 2 year Web Developer contract that will see me relocated over the pond! Now we just have to iron out how long I'll be there...somewhere between 3 months and 2...
  3. JesterzUSMC

    Heresy Studies 101

  4. JesterzUSMC

    Necromunda Farseer WTB!

    I asked awhile ago, and got one of these: I got one from Undave, and Zora said they might have one. I finished mine, and played one game at the LGS, but it never made it back into my figure case, and no one has seen it (or is admitting to swiping it anyway) So I am looking for another. This...
  5. JesterzUSMC

    Oh what fun it is to drive...D'oh!

    Tire blew out at 70-ish MPH in the far left lane (US) and I had to flap over to the far right shoulder. This was the damage done. My insurance came out NEXT DAY! And cut me the check (minus deductible). It's now all been fixed. I even used some of my school money to replace ALL four...
  6. JesterzUSMC

    NEED HELP! PDF unavailable, I want to play!

    I am in desperate need of the Steamroller 2011 PDF. I need it ASAP, because I am trying to play a tourney at my LGS and haven't even opened the new books. Anyone that can email it to me, PLEASE PM! I posted this in the Game specific thread as well.
  7. JesterzUSMC

    [WTB] Dark Eldar Archon Asdrubael Vect on Throne.

    I am in need of the Dark Eldar OOP Archon on Throne. It is a Raider with Metal additions. I don't want the whole thing. I am only looking for the throne (4 pieces), and Asdrubael himself (3 pieces). PM me if you have them, how much you want for them, and keep in mind to include shipping to...
  8. JesterzUSMC

    Corks for Handling ....

    So I was in Menard's for miniature display shelves and I happened upon Thermos Corks! 1 3/4 inches tall, 1 5/16 thick at the base, and 1 inch on the top. Perfect for the round slotta bases. Bought 3, only 99 cents a piece!! Thought I'd share.
  9. JesterzUSMC

    Looking To Buy Khador Single/Unit???

    I'm looking for a Khador Widowmaker single. The only female in the unit. I have the other three, but I need THIS ONE: But for the right price I'll take a whole unit as well.
  10. JesterzUSMC

    I got a new roommate!He doesn't pay rent, and he hangs around with no clothes on.

    He doesn't pay rent, and he hangs around with no clothes on.
  11. JesterzUSMC

    Lucky Day Soda Pop Mini....

    So I got a mispick/mistake order from eBay. Anyone that's been thinking of buying Soda Pop Miniature's "Scratch the Iron Chef" instead of paying $17+ for it, I'll give it up for $10. Here's a Picture:
  12. JesterzUSMC

    It's official....

    ....I got my 6 tickets today. I am actually Going to Gamesday 2011 in Chicago! So my question is, will I see anyone there? I'll be easy to spot, I'll be wearing the jester cap....LOL.
  13. JesterzUSMC

    Not a mini, but.....

    Not a mini, but..... I've seen a few on here, and I decided I would make a go of it. I got a "kit" from the ebay, LOL, and it was cheap so I know it's a knock-off, but I don't care, since it is my first attempt at such a scale. She is Lei Fang from DOA. There are more than a few "Problem...
  14. JesterzUSMC

    Out of left field..wrong time of year and all...

    Can someone explain to me the tissue paper crown on Christmas? You can tell be to bugger off, but I honestly want to know what that's all about.
  15. JesterzUSMC

    WTF is up with Television Companies?

    BBC is being Copied on American television. First it was "Shameless", now an "Original" on Showtime. Now it's "Being Human" on Syfy Channel. What's next? Don't get me wrong, they were REALLY awesome shows, and I've been Watching "Shameless" on SHOwtime, even though it's set in Chicago instead...
  16. JesterzUSMC

    Looking for a one time thing....

    I am looking a a space of 2 months of free time coming up in a week or so. That means I have time to do a small commission. Anyone looking for a quick squad or two (especially Space Marines) being done inexpensively, PM me. Depending on the level of detail, I can do it for between $20ish and...
  17. JesterzUSMC

    And on that note....

    I know, I've probably said it before. But after this afternoon's experience at my (not so) local GW store, I've decided, I am done buying shit from them. Besides the Disney-like fanaticism of their oppressive treatment of their customers, and the gestapo-esque company structure that monitors...
  18. JesterzUSMC

    New Instant Mold trial...

    Okay so I snagged up some instantmold from the shop. So far so good. Little bit of hot water and about 35-60 seconds of patience (yeah..I counted) and you have a gooey blob. Press your piece in and let it set (DON'T pull the piece stretches the from) then when the mold is cooled down...
  19. JesterzUSMC

    I have needs.....

    I need someone to sculpt a decent space marine shoulder pad with the Ravenguard chapter symbol on it. Please PM with inquiries and sculpting examples. (preferably something with comparable scale) Also, did anyone else know that many of the Confrontation stuff is pre-painted plastic? I snagged...
  20. JesterzUSMC

    Coke or Pepsi?

    It started in the Blood Angel Termi WIP Thread...but I just had to keep it going, without hijacking that beautiful travesty....
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