Brynden Tully Rider's-List


New member
Hi Folks,

we just had a minor Tournament (8 Players, 3 Rounds) and I tested a quite well working Stark List based on Cavalry lead by Brynden Tully:

Faction: House Stark
Commander: Brynden Tully – Outrider Commander
Points: 40 (10 Neutral)
Combat Units:
• The Flayed Men (10) with Brynden Tully – Outrider Commander (0)
• Stark Outriders (7)
• Stark Sworn Swords (5) with Bran and Hodor – Protector and Ward (3)
• Summer (0)
• Stark Sworn Swords (5) with Robb Stark – The Young Wolf (3)
• Grey Wind (0)
Non-Combat Units:
• Sansa Stark – Little Bird (3)
• Catelyn Stark – Lady of Winterfell (4)
(Made with

The list worked truly great.
- Sansa granted me having Ride-by-attacky when I needed it.
- The Flayed men - speeded up and terrain-ignoring by Brynden worked very well. In one game "riding-bye" or better said riding through the enemy and attacking his back, in the other game side-attacking the enemy, delivering heavy punches.
- The outriders appearing in the enemy's back delivered a crippling blow in one game, breaking up the enemy's movement plan in the other game, were absolutely worth their placement-points.
- The two Wolves sppeded around the flank, delivered no damage at all - but distracted the foes flank.
- The sworn sword didn't even get into enemy-contact in both games - just sat on the mission points while the other player focussed on the two cavalry units.

That list worked surprisingly well - and is some hell of fun to play (albeit being a risky list if the cavalry doesn't get through).

Has anybody of you tested a Tull-Rider-list already?
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Which faction & units were you playing against? I tried him out a few weeks ago, but misplayed his Outflank ability and had him in the Outriders which evaporated quickly as I was boxed in and unnable to retreat due to my own tactical errors. I swore to never take him again with less than 3 cav units as ALL his tactics cards apply specifically to cav. But it's heartening to hear of your success. My nxt battle with him will likely be me trying out his attachment version for the heal upon retreat shenanigans.


New member
Hard decision with this setup is where to put Brynden into. Tully adds 1" Movement and let's your Horsies ignore terrain hinderance so this adds perfect to the ride-by-attack (RBA). Anyway - for RBA to work, you have to get close to the enemy, because the "through-the-enemy-march-to-get-behind-him" you have to move the cavalry tray completely through the enemy and stop 1" behind him. Adding the free maneuver before your action you have to position your cav really carefully. Calculate backwards from your attacking cavalry's rear baseline: 1" distance to enemy unit plus 5" enemy tray plus 5" own tray plus 1" frontal enemy avoidance are exactly 12". Those 12" have to be covered by the free march of your riders. I plan the RBAs with the Brynden-added-cavalry. So two options:

Option A (Brynden in Flayed Men):
Flayed men's speed raised to 6", thus marching speed 12". Hmmm, so your RBA-action has to start when you're 1" in front of the wanna-attack-that-unit. Add the free maneuver of the flayed men and you have to start your round in 7" distance to the enemies front.... quite risky. If this works, you ride through him and attack his rear flank, which delivers a horrible punch especially by the flayed men. But to realize this punch you have to take the risk of those 7". Doesn't work with every enemy player. So option is to bind the wanna-attack-that-unit before your RBA.

Option B (Brynden in Outriders):
Speed raised to 7" -> March 14", so RBA starts in 3" distance to enemy. Plus free maneuver starts at 10" distance. Way safer and a little easier to position. Sounds good? Well, you pay a price for this safety: Outriders aren't really known for their damage-output - even when attacking from behind.

Decide for yourself, which option is yours. Try them out and find your way. But don't plan your entire match upon RBA working. Bryndens tactic-cards deliver quite a punch even when RBA doesn't work. RBA can also be used to attack a flank if rear is unreachable.

Plus park one of those outriders outside the playtable in placement phase. I found that an outrider-unit appearing right in the backyard of your enemy always irritates his gameplay. If he's cold blooded and ignores you, your outriders can choose which enemy-back to attack. If he let's one unit turn and take care of you that unit is missing in his frontal plans - or in the best case offers your own "frontal" units a turned enemy. Even if he attacks your outriders: Yes they're no flayed men, yes the die more quickly, but this mostly takes at least one enemy unit out of his frontline for at least two rounds. In one match i plopped out of nowhere right behind his scorpion, thus making it cannonfodder. In the second match one Lanny-Guard plus the riding mountain attacked the outriders and hacked for three round to scrap them. Good pay-off pointwise.

So, just some thoughts on a Stark's rider list. I hope my English is understandable.
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Very much appreciated advice. I love The Blackfish in all forms and cant wait for Tully Cavalier reinforcements to arrive.
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