Comments? I believe this is a singular entry

Any comments on this? I have very mixed feelings on it myself and this is the first I\'ve seen something here this explicit. I have no problem with nudity or sexuality or even porn and though I won\'t advocate a ban here I am sensitive to the fact that many children peruse this site and this goes beyond prudishness I think.

Is it possible I\'ve missed the thread regarding this? If so - please direct me to it ...thanks!


Active member
That\'s a pretty bold entry (and this is coming from one of the anti-prude police!). :wow:

I can\'t quite make out what\'s going on there. I\'m actually not entirely sure I *want* to know what\'s going on there. :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
How did the moderators manager to pass this one? And so long ago as well.

Ok I\'m not one of the \"Morality police\" and don\'t want to be classed as a \"Prude\", but that is definitley not a suitable subject for this site.

Personally I would like to see this removed.

Flashman14: I\'d say thanks for the Heads up warning on this but It\'s one I\'d rather not have seen!
Good Grief think about it, if that pops up as a random choice at someones place of work. In some companies that would be cause for dismissal.


Super Moderator
I\'m with you Mike... This is why I was on about lines being drawn before..

Oh well.


I have rejected this image several times, more like a dozen. I am not sure how it got on. Chern is on a business trip right now, I will see what I can do, but I don\'t seem to be able to delete the entry. Sorry about that, guys. I knew it is way above what people would tolerate. It is not my intention to let this one slip by.


New member
Well, I\'d say that\'s exxxplicit.

Probably not best on a site without any sort of warnings about age sensitive contents.

In this person\'s gallery I noticed a few other nudes, and another one, slaaneshi two, was also quite explicit.



Active member
\"I am sensitive to the fact that many children peruse this site... \"

I don\'t really mind it. I know I\'m not going to be popular for saying this. But now everyone understands my signature. Yeah. I\'m really getting tired of friggin\' children. :|~


New member
Originally posted by borg
I have rejected this image several times, more like a dozen. I am not sure how it got on. Chern is on a business trip right now, I will see what I can do, but I don\'t seem to be able to delete the entry. Sorry about that, guys. I knew it is way above what people would tolerate. It is not my intention to let this one slip by.


I agree that while these are \"interesting\" models, they are probably not appropriate for this site. Some of the stuff in his gallery is fine, but there are definitely a couple that are pushing the boundary (and possibly going past it).

The weird thing, Borg, is that the date submitted on all these says 3/2/04; three months ago! I find it really weird that they\'re only now showing up in rotation...

Who all has moderator power on the image submissions? You don\'t have to name names here, Borg, but you might want to PM the other mods to see who approved it. If you find that nobody did, then the only conclusion is that someone found a hole in the system.

The pity is that the skintones are not well done, either. ;)

Dr. Bob

but not THAT Dr. Bob
I am sure that those images weren\'t \"approved\" by any moderator. It looks like the guy managed to sneak the pics on a couple days ago.

He\'s got chutzpah, that\'s for sure.


New member
Originally posted by Ebonbuddha
\"I am sensitive to the fact that many children peruse this site... \"

I don\'t really mind it. I know I\'m not going to be popular for saying this. But now everyone understands my signature. Yeah. I\'m really getting tired of friggin\' children. :|~
I am neither a child nor a prude and if I wanted to view material like that I would go to the appropriate sites - that is most certainly not one for this site.

My employer allows me to use the internet at work (at their expense, and I\'m most grateful for) but if that picture appeared on my screen and was seen by the \'Boss\' then the privilage of using the internet would be removed from everybody and that is not a risk I wish to take. I could also be faced with disciplinary action.


New member

1) As an adult you are responsible for your children and what they access....

2) You are also responsible for what you do at work. If you work in an environment where you could be dismissed etc...don\'t take risks. If you worked in a firework factory you wouldn\'t smoke cigarrettes!

But this image does cross the line (I prefer lines that we keep in our heads to the written-down variety) and doesn\'t fit in with the ethos of this site. I doubt many on this site would support this pic remaining.

I think the artist has a fixation with pink:D
He can\'t be all bad though, after all, he is the author of this:



Unless of course it\'s already been done, I suggest a warning of sorts should be delivered to our friend. Just a reminder that such things are crossing that line, as has been said.

To those of you who are willing to disregard the younger ones who view this site, take note: My younger sister (age 10) is becoming interested in painting miniatures. Often we browse the site, to give her an idea of what levels of painting people are at. I then ran into one of those images, and had to quickly close the window. The image did manage to escape my sister\'s attention, who was at the time (fortunately) distracted.

If you would like YOUR children and younger viewers checking out porn, that\'s your affair (one I don\'t approve of), but it should NOT happen on CMON. The reputation of the site is much higher, much better than that. What next? Links to porn sites to get skin tones? CMON porn galleries for people looking for that shade of skin they saw on the woman in obviously erotic positions?

I think we\'re better than that, don\'t you? Let the children keep their innocence while they can, and let the lonely porn-viewers stick to those sites they\'re already familiar with.


New member
Originally posted by Dr. Bob
I am sure that those images weren\'t \"approved\" by any moderator. It looks like the guy managed to sneak the pics on a couple days ago.

He\'s got chutzpah, that\'s for sure.


Hmm, who is the manufacturer of this abomination?:rolleyes:

btw. 6.8? This guys being ripped off!


New member
Good point but....

Originally posted by wyrmling_x
To those of you who are willing to disregard the younger ones who view this site, take note: My younger sister (age 10) is becoming interested in painting miniatures. Often we browse the site, to give her an idea of what levels of painting people are at. I then ran into one of those images, and had to quickly close the window. The image did manage to escape my sister\'s attention, who was at the time (fortunately) distracted.
No one is arguing that the offending image is out of line...but there are a number of respectable minis which feature moderate nudity and God knows how many that glorify graphic violence. If a young person is going to access this site, that condition should be understood and accepted. If it is felt that they are not ready for this then DON\"T LET THEM ON!
This site is a home for an artistic community, not a creche;)


if there is no \"Code of Conduct\", you can\'t ban these images.
you could however, inform the poster of the \"problem\" CMoN faces in regards to younger viewers and possible problems that may cause for them.

you could use this as a good time to make a CoC, where the mini\'s have to be checked against.
for example:
you could make a \"rule\" that states that nudity IS allowed, as long as there is no provocational stance.
to clarify (i\'m from Belgium, my english falls short sometimes ;))
you can post a model completely nude (i\'ve seen some before and they were quite good) but when the model is demonstrating sexual acts, you should draw a line.
basicly: a naked woman or man should be allowed (there\'s an aestetic value and it are still just mini\'s :)) as long as they are not displayed \"in action\" with themselves or with each other :)

erotic mini\'s should be allowed, porn mini\'s should not :)
-at least not in the main public gallery, you could consider an 18+ gallery ;)


New member
Originally posted by finn17

No. Don\'t say that word! You might offend someone.

As for the pic: Where are the nude male minis? Huh? Anyone? I haven\'t yet seen a miniature jerking off...
(Which doesn\'t mean that I want you all posting links to pages where I could. Just PM me! ;) )
Okay, seriously, don\'t care for such minis, I\'d rather not seen the one above either. But I\'ll live. Feeling better already.


New member
Mmh, I just saw that guy\'s Hitler mini and the other Nazi dude. Apparently he uses them for his Slaanesh army and renamed them. Alright, Hitler in\'s kinda funny but don\'t know, something about this guy rubs me the wrong way.
Is it supposed to be a parody to paint a mini black, put some Hakenkreuze on it and then call it Adolf? Right here.
Maybe I just don\'t get the joke...?
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