As far as moderating images, it is only me and Chern, and 99% me most of the time. There is a possibility that I approved it by mistake at some point, but I remembered the image, because I rejected it several times, which means that he submitted it over and over again. When your image is rejected or deleted, you don\'t really get an explaination, so he might not know why and kept submitting it.
I rarely sensor images, as this is a site about painting and I certainly consider it an art form, so I allow for \"a lot\" of artsitic freedom. I think in the history of the site, I have only rejected a handful of images, including a few from Brother Joseph and this one. Not so much that the sculpting was bad or the paintjob was substandard, but the subject matter crossed the line. It is not a matter of kids coming in and looking at it, just a matter of poor taste.
With all that said, my power is limited, while I can approve, I cannot delete, so I have to wait till Chern gets back before I can take care of this image.