Comments? I believe this is a singular entry


New member

Originally posted by ZaPhOd
Heya Finn! Long time no chat! How is everything anyhow?????
...everything is fine, except that I suspect this is all a dream because I find myself (almost) agreeing with you for a change:flip:


As far as moderating images, it is only me and Chern, and 99% me most of the time. There is a possibility that I approved it by mistake at some point, but I remembered the image, because I rejected it several times, which means that he submitted it over and over again. When your image is rejected or deleted, you don\'t really get an explaination, so he might not know why and kept submitting it.

I rarely sensor images, as this is a site about painting and I certainly consider it an art form, so I allow for \"a lot\" of artsitic freedom. I think in the history of the site, I have only rejected a handful of images, including a few from Brother Joseph and this one. Not so much that the sculpting was bad or the paintjob was substandard, but the subject matter crossed the line. It is not a matter of kids coming in and looking at it, just a matter of poor taste.

With all that said, my power is limited, while I can approve, I cannot delete, so I have to wait till Chern gets back before I can take care of this image.


@ Finn: G\'day again! I wasn\'t arguing against nudity. I believe that as a community, and one firmly planted in the realm of \"art\", we\'ve come to an agreement that nude miniatures are perfectly alright, within reason.

My point was that this site is not one that should be guarded against children who may accidently browse across images of that nature (ie. the pornographic type). Young or old, nudity is nudity, but when it crosses the line and becomes sheer smut, people shouldn\'t have to have that thrown in the mix to ruin the \"CMON Experience.\" Or something like that.

Just didn\'t want you to think I was starting the whole \"should nude minis be allowed\" argument. :)

And \"creche\" was a new one for me, too \'Vike. ;)


New member
Well.... to the Royal Family..

Originally posted by wyrmling_x
And \"creche\" was a new one for me, too \'Vike. ;)
...and other posh gits, a \'creche\' is a car accident:flip:

\"Oh Crikey! One has just \'creched\' the automobile...better call for a servant\"


Super Moderator
upon further review...

Now that I am home, and can view the artists entire collection, there seem to be more than one that \"slipped\" by the moderators. All from that same date.

On the other hand, there is some quality work in most of his gallery.....

I guess I don\'t know exactly where the \"line\" is and how we know if we have crossed it.

I\'ll leave that to the powers that be to decide....;)


New member
Gonna take myself off of lurking status long enough to say, \"Yuck!\" I didn\'t even have to click the link to know which one was meant--I saw earlier today and wondered what it was doing on the site. I\'m not in favor of censoring pics either, but this one certainly went beyond what I expected to see on coolmini. Of course, I just did what I usually do with pics I don\'t like...closed it and moved on. Anyway, I\'m glad to see that there is lively debate over it in the forums.

Turning the cloaking device back on now...Nothing to see here folks...
might as well wade in now too...

I\'ve read this thread with some interest, but everything that I was thinking had already been stated by the rest of you, so I was going to leave this one well enough alone, until something happened today...

I was at work today and decided to pull up the site after lunch to have a quick browse before going back to work, and guess which image came up :(

I almost slung my laptop off the desk trying to get the cover closed before anyone could see this image.

I like nudes as much as the next guy, but this one was way over the line of what I ever expected to see on this site. I\'ll certainly have to stop checking from the office if this stuff stays up. If that had been seen and someone had complained I could have been reprimanded at the vary least or possibly terminated. :(

While I appreciate the skill, time and effort that went into painting the figures, I just don\'t think that this is the appropriate place to post them. If you really want opinions or input on stuff like this, put it up on your own site and then post a message on the forums with a link...

Grumb :cool:


New member

While I agree completely that the mini and quite a few of his(?) other postings should not be on this site I was glad I got to look at the range of stuff he has produced - weird!

It brought to mind arguments I have had with my daughter about art - most of which have been aired on this site a number of times. - I was struck by FWlDep\'s use of figures from a different genre in what I assume is an attempt (successful) to shock. All of the output is competently painted and in many cases is imaginative - Finn has already drawn our attention to the pink Dredd. It made for an interesting browse which made me think about the motives for converting and painting the minis in that way!

Overall I enjoyed the experience more than I did looking at the Nazi meatgrinder display which went up in smoke recently and that definately was meant to be considered art!

Having said all that - I still think the mini should go - along with at least three of his other pics!


Active member
Hey, you guys know me - while I still have no idea what the hell is going on with that figure, I don\'t believe it should be deleted (and I realize I\'m in the serious minority on that one...but I\'m used to that) :). It\'s a painted mini on a mini-painting site...absolutely not to everyone\'s taste, but maybe finn can contact one of the museums in his homeland to buy it for a few thousand pound...

:D lol


Super Moderator
but if thats the case....

Just like the forum has its rules, with no offensive behavior being one of them, the submissions should have similar rules.

I wonder how long a post on the forum would last if I posted nothing but obscene pics of penetration and some sort of disgusting food item with blood nearby...


New member
Personally, I do not wish to see a ban imposed here on submissions although, in my humble opinion, I would agree that this subject is of adult nature and inappropriate for this site. As far as artist talent goes, I think the painting of this mini is very average, the color scheme is off, and once again the subject matter is used to drawn attention rather than solid technique or talent, kinda like Maplethorpe\'s Jesus in Urine or the Virgin Mary \"painted\" with fecus recently displayed in NYC. Shock value is a cheap trick used by substandard artist. Oh by the way, I gave it a 3, 6 for the painting technique and a whopping -3 for truly tasteless subject matter. Was I too harsh????

\"Of course that is just my opinion, I could be wrong...\" -Dennis Miller


Active member
Originally posted by supervike
Just like the forum has its rules, with no offensive behavior being one of them, the submissions should have similar rules.

I wonder how long a post on the forum would last if I posted nothing but obscene pics of penetration and some sort of disgusting food item with blood nearby...

Not long. But then your examples wouldn\'t be painted minis. :)

The way to deter minis of this sort from appearing would be to establish guidelines labeling them as \'out of bounds\' - which is up to the owner of the site. Either way, it\'s his call.

Personally, I think Grumb had a good idea - if Chern does decide to remove the image and establish that such minis are not appropriate for the site, then posting a link with a content warning in the forums sounds like a nice way to get feedback *from those who actually want to see the mini*. :)


Active member
Originally posted by Braveheart712
Personally, I do not wish to see a ban imposed here on submissions although, in my humble opinion, I would agree that this subject is of adult nature and inappropriate for this site. As far as artist talent goes, I think the painting of this mini is very average, the color scheme is off, and once again the subject matter is used to drawn attention rather than solid technique or talent, kinda like Maplethorpe\'s Jesus in Urine or the Virgin Mary \"painted\" with fecus recently displayed in NYC. Shock value is a cheap trick used by substandard artist. Oh by the way, I gave it a 3, 6 for the painting technique and a whopping -3 for truly tasteless subject matter. Was I too harsh????

\"Of course that is just my opinion, I could be wrong...\" -Dennis Miller

I can\'t say if the score is appropriate, though I certainly don\'t think the painter in this case is a \'substandard artist\'. The skintones of the model and the hose are well done. It\'s the...other stuff...that detracts from what is otherwise IMO a pretty well painted model.

I wouldn\'t choose to paint that model myself, but I don\'t choose to paint Rackham stuff :)

Dr. Bob

but not THAT Dr. Bob
Originally posted by supervike
Now that I am home, and can view the artists entire collection, there seem to be more than one that \"slipped\" by the moderators. All from that same date.

I still think it wasn\'t a \"mistake\" by the moderators. I think the pics must have been snuck on to CMON using some kind of loophole or hack.

There\'s no way those pics (there are three or four identically offensive pics with the exact same post date and a comment from the exact same friend) were posted months ago but only got noticed a couple days ago. I smell a rat.



Super Moderator
oh you are good but....

Originally posted by darthfoley

Not long. But then your examples wouldn\'t be painted minis. :)

Mini or not, I would not be allowed to post offensive \"anything\" on the forums. I think it says something in the rules like, \"its not a question of crossing the line, but staying well away from it\"

Why a set of standards for one portion of the site and not another? (this is more of a rhetorical question)

Do I think those particular minis crossed the line? Yes.


Originally posted by Dr. Bob
I still think it wasn\'t a \"mistake\" by the moderators. I think the pics must have been snuck on to CMON using some kind of loophole or hack.

There\'s no way those pics (there are three or four identically offensive pics with the exact same post date and a comment from the exact same friend) were posted months ago but only got noticed a couple days ago. I smell a rat.
Someone trying to befoul our precious CMON? How DARE they? If that\'s what\'s going on, I say we tar and feather the twisted offender, and then hang him publicly! ;)

Bottom line is they are offensive, no matter how you look at them, and should thus be removed. Ick. :|~


Active member
Originally posted by supervike
Mini or not, I would not be allowed to post offensive \"anything\" on the forums. I think it says something in the rules like, \"its not a question of crossing the line, but staying well away from it\"

Why a set of standards for one portion of the site and not another? (this is more of a rhetorical question)

And one that I can\'t give you an answer for. It\'s up to Chern for that. Perhaps they are meant to be the same, but since they aren\'t posted on the main site....

Originally posted by supervike
Do I think those particular minis crossed the line? Yes.

I won\'t really argue that point. I\'m not overly fond of them either. But I don\'t think they should be removed just because they\'re in what most people think is \'bad taste\'. *shrug* :)


Super Moderator
your right, of course...

Yup, its not really anything for us to decide. Ultimately Chern Ann will chime in.

I respect your opinion, even though your are dressed as a evil COBRA minion.

GO JOE!!lollol
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