Congratiulations, it's a boy... ahem, I mean "bust"


New member
Hy there folx,

to say it with the words of Monty Python: And NOW for something COMPLETELY different!

I finally finished my first bust! It's a murmillo gladiator from Pegaso Models I found some months ago at the german "Duke of Bavaria" event. I absolutely love this bust, especially the helmet. I quickly started to paint the bust but lost my motivation at about 75% completion. I must admit a bust is a bit static for me. I missed a fancy base or some customizations to make this a unique display object. SO I had to force myself to finish this little fella. But in the end I am quite happy with the result. The skin was a bit tricky, because I never painted anything that big, but hey it was a challenge. ;)

Hope you like the bust.
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Super Moderator
Not quite as exciting as some of your previous entries, but still technically brilliant! Skin tones are perfect.


New member
Excellent as always ! skin is perfect, and so is the leather, it reminds me of an old WW1 army dress belt i had.
its a shame how the right leather strap going over the shoulder follows the contour of the clavicle, its the only bit that doesn't look real. But I cant think of any other way they could sculpt it without doing a GW :)


New member
I used polishable metallic paints. I can't remember which brand i used but you have to spray them on with an airbrush and when dried you have to polish it to get a nice realistic metall tone. Then you can begin weathering it with whatever you want, glaces, pigments, washes and so on...
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