Eater of Worlds


New member
Hy folx,

I finally managed to take some photos of my Golden Demon entry for the german Gamesday 2012. It could'nt qualify, but at least it got a finalist pin. I am very happy about it, cause the competition was quite tough this year (in all categories!).
The red parts of the armour lack some more aggressiv highlights and I am not so sure about the overall contrast of the miniature. I painted the miniature mainly with GW "Red Gore" and I must admit: I HATE THIS COLOR NOW! LOL It was quite some pain in the a$$...

So I hope you like this little fella anyway and some comments or suggestions for improvement would be great. :)


Matt Cexwish

New member
The problem was that parts of the jury REALLY dislike Red Armor that is highlighted with Pink...:S... Not me (I would rather see the Printed out Sign and the not super harmonic combination of the Red and Yellow of the Base as a problem...), but it placed very well (4th or 5th place...)...

Edit: On the Second glance it was not about the Colours, they are well chosen and pretty harmonic... But I really dislike the printed out stuff on the Base and the Plinth... Sorry about that, it´s a fantastic Paintjob + Technique!


New member
I agree with Jason. I know one of my Chaos-centric mates would find this peice inspiring as a conversion piece. Well done!
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