first entry at golden demon contest



At the moment, I`m working on a mini for golden demon-contest. It`s the first time I put a mini in contest. I`m not sure, if I should seal my work with matt varnish or not!?
How do other participants of this contest seal her minis? Does anybody know that, or can help?
Thx, Stephan


New member
For my last competition entry i only gave the figure 2 very light coats of dullcote... not for protection but for the effect. I noticed it was handled quite frequently, almost sends shivers down your back, but it came home unscathed...

i think you have to decide \'what is best for the presentation of this mini and the maintaining of every minute detail\', too much laquer frequently subdues the finest highlights although these can be retouched after...

hope this helps


New member
varnish sometimes adds to the effect.

i would say go with a few coats of Dullcote and then use a brush on satin or gloss varnish for those areas that you want to shine. I would definately varnish a competition piece as it helps finish the piece and give you a place to stop the painting process


Active member
Go with Dullcoat. Alot of people use it for GD and it helps if the judges are going to handle your mini.
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