... in the swamps of nurgle.


Hey painter-friends,

This duell was my entry at the german GD last sunday. I´m very happy, it made a golden one.
What do you think about it?


more view`s :

closer view:

Best wishes, Stephan


New member
Hy derwish,

absolutely overwhelming duell/diorama! I love the skintone of the nurgle champion and the nmm is really convincing.
I have some questions:
1. What miniature is the basis of the nurgle warrior
2. Do you have WIP pictures?
3. Why did you segment the base?
4. How did you do the moss on the stones?

And gratulation for the demon! :)


@ Crackpot

The nurgle warrior is 90% scratchbuild, only the head and Hands are GW.
There are not much WIP-pictures but I will post them soon.
I`ve segmented the base, cause of the competitionrules of the german GD. The duell has to stand on a 5x5cm-GW-base.
The moss is made of bird sand, glued on the top of the stones, painted with dark angels green up to a bright yellow tone.

@ Manus

yes all is painted

@ all

Thanks :);)


Well-known member
brilliant. i like the way the smaller base sits in the larger one. you can almost hear the \"thwack\" as he gets hit!


Active member
Please please please please please make a tutorial on how you made that base. It is incredible! The complexity of my bases do not extend any further than drybrushed pebbles and corks.

Again, please make a tutorial :idea:
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